How to survive a post-graduation meltdown

Lara Billington
Content Marketing Executive

Avoid an existential crisis after uni with these top tips. 

Life after graduation can only be described as bittersweet. You're finally free from the chains of education but for the first time since, well - ever, there's no plan ahead. When September rolls around you won't be going back to school or uni; whatever comes next is down to you. 

For some this prospect is exciting. For others, the idea of not knowing what the future holds, or what on earth you're going to do with it is daunting. Combine this feeling with having to adjust to not seeing your friends everyday, kissing goodbye to five nights out a week and potentially moving back in with your parents (more on this horrifying prospect later), then it's no surprise that you're on the brink of meltdown. 

If this sounds like you, let us steer you away from the impending post-graduation doom and towards a relaxed, positive way of thinking about the future.




Don't panic 

If you don't immediately find a job that will set you on your way to a glittering career, don't panic. The best way to discover the career for you, if you're not one of the lucky few who already knows, is to get out there and try every opportunity that comes your way. 

There's so many careers in this day and age, many of which you probably don't even know exist, that it's natural for it to take time to work out what you're good at. If it means taking on a job to keep you busy, or spending some time out travelling or working abroad while you determine the path for you, that's fine.

Your twenties are all about trial and error, and with the retirement age rising by the year, there's plenty of time to find your dream career. 


Stop comparing yourself to others  

Are you looking around at your friends thinking they've got it all figured out? One's bagged a grad scheme where they'll be earning £50,000 in two years, another's off doing a Masters with plans to become a Doctor, and you're sat on the sofa not knowing where to start. First off, consider that if you were in their position, learning about tax or sitting more exams, would you be getting closer to where you want to be, and would you be enjoying yourself?

Rather than rushing into a grad scheme or job, make sure you know what you're getting into first - a graduate scheme might suit one person better than a graduate job, and vice versa. 

As cliche as it sounds, everyone is on their own path and the more time you spend comparing what you're doing to others, the less time you'll have to focus on yourself and where you want to be. If you're going at your own pace and enjoying what you're doing, it shouldn't matter how much you're earning or whether you have a fancy job title. 


Be flexible 

If you know want to you to do and you're desperate to land your dream job as soon as you graduate, it can be disheartening to realise that it's not that simple. In a lot of cases, simply having a degree isn't enough - you'll need a bunch of skills and experience in the industry under your belt first.

This might mean having to start at the bottom of the ladder or get a job in a related industry first, so you can hone your skills and build up experience before bagging your dream role. There are plenty of graduate jobs that ask for no experience, where you'll be fully trained in skills that can applied throughout your career. Be flexible; every bit of experience you gain on your way to the top will be really helpful for once you get there. 


Remember that moving home doesn't last forever  

Having spent three years surrounded by friends and living by your own rules, the idea of returning home to a bedroom that's still bright pink and covered in One Direction posters, is probably not appealing. Adjusting back to home life can be hard, but once you factor in being at work and having a social life, you're probably won't spend much time at home anyway.

If you're desperate to move out as soon as possible but can't afford the likes of London and Manchester just yet, there's a bunch of cities that offer affordable rent and great job opportunities. 


Don't forget to have some fun 

You'd be surprised at how many graduate jobs offer great employee perks. From flexible working and unlimited holiday to company nights out and social events, working life doesn't have to solely consist of long days and early nights.

Weekdays don't have to be a right-off either - as long as you're up and out of bed in time for work in the morning, who says you can't go out and have some fun? 


Avoid the post-graduation funk and start looking for graduate jobs today - sign up now for the latest opportunities.