What can you do with a Geography degree?

Lara Billington
Content Marketing Executive

Need some help mapping out your future? 

Geography gets a bad wrap for being an easy degree spent colouring in maps, but Geography students are actually some of the most employable, according to the Higher Education Careers Services Unit data. 2018/19 results reveal that 90% of Geography graduates were employed or completing further study six months after graduation. 

The varied skill-set Geography graduates leave uni with make them highly attractive to employers from all types of industries, so whether you're choosing to stay in the field or apply your skills to another career, Geography grads, the world is your oyster. 


Key skills you've gained 

  • Strong analytical skills 

The skills you've learnt in understanding and interpreting conceptual and data-based information will prove useful in a wide range of industries, from Finance to Marketing. 

  • Problem solving

From learning about tackling climate change to how humans adjust to the rapidly growing population, problem solving is a fundamental skill in Geography. No matter what workplace you end up in, being able to identify and resolve problems is a great asset. 

  • IT and computer skills 

Knowing your way around computers and different software is an important skill in this day and age, so this knowledge will stand you in good stead with employers. 

  • Communication skills 

Having creative ideas and being able to problem solve is great, but if you can't communicate these effectively to others, you'll fall short. Geography grads, use the communication skills you've learnt to your advantage.  

  • Skills specific to Geography 

More than any other degree, Geography provides you with a detailed understanding of how to observe, analyse and interpret information about our world. This broad world knowledge will place you in high regard with employers.




Typical jobs you could do with a Geography degree 

  • Cartographer 

If studying maps is what you enjoy most about Geography, you've probably considered this job role. As a Cartographer, you'll be responsible for every aspect of making maps - deciding what goes on them, gathering scientific data, designing layouts and ensuring they're fully accurate.

  • Town Planner 

Put your knowledge of the environment to good use in a job as a Planner. You'll make decisions about how best to develop a town, considering the social, economic and environmental needs of the place and the people in it. If you're keen to help both people and our environment, this might be the job for you. 

  • Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Officer 

Do you love data? As a GIS Officer, you'll flex those analytical skills by collecting and analysing geographical data to be used in a variety of areas including transport, healthcare or flood defence planning. You'll be fully trained on the job so no post-graduate study is required, just you and your passion for data. 

  •  Environmental Consultant 

As an Environmental Consultant, you might advise on issues regarding recycling, renewable energy, climate change, conservation or flood risks. If you don't want to be stuck in an office all day every day, this role involves working out in the field, so would be right up your street. 


Other typical jobs you could consider are a Surveyor, Emergency Planner, or Meteorologist. 


Not-so-typical jobs you could do with a Geography degree 

  • Landscape Architect 

Fancy yourself as a bit of an artist? It does mean getting a postgraduate qualification that's accredited by the Landscape Institute, but with experience, a career as a Landscape Architect can be very lucrative. You'll combine your knowledge of the environment with creative flair to design and manage the building of different projects, from parks, to gardens, to motorways. 

  • Tourism Officer 

Geography and Tourism are closely linked so your knowledge of the industry will prove useful in this role. As a Tourism Officer, you'll be involved in a variety of areas; market research, producing visitor information and organising events, to name a few. Plus, there's opportunity to travel the world while you work, like in this role at Topdeck Travel. 

  • International Aid Worker 

Arguably one of the most rewarding jobs you could have, as an International Aid Worker you'll work abroad to help improve the lives of people living in developing countries. The problem solving and communication skills learnt in your degree will be vital in this career, but most importantly, you should have a real passion for helping others. 

  • Financial Services

You may think Geography and Finance differ completely, but the transferable skills you've gained from your degree in research, data collection and analysis are extremely relevant. Plus, you'll have a good understanding of social and economic issues to bring to the table. If Finance interests you, this opportunity gives you insight into lots of areas, and lets you travel while you learn. 


Other not-so-typical jobs you could consider are a Civil Servant, Weather Forecaster, Market Researcher or Teacher. 


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