Here are the UK's most LGBT-inclusive employers in 2018

Sally Bracegirdle
Head of Marketing

The National Assembly for Wales has been named the UK's best employer for LGBT staff in Stonewall's Top 100 Employers list for 2018.



Each year, the list reveals the most inclusive places to work for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans employees.

It is compiled using the Workplace Equality Index, which allows employers to assess their progress on LGBT workplace equality and inclusivity.

Over 430 organisations took part in this year’s index, in which they had to demonstrate their work in 10 areas of employment policy and practice, such as community engagement and training. 

Climbing from fifth place in 2017, the National Assembly for Wales has taken the top spot in this year's list, largely thanks to its "inclusive policies and practices" for trans staff in particular. These include introducing gender-neutral facilities, gender-neutral titles on workplace systems and providing a space for staff to give their own gender term on forms.



Stonewall surveyed more than 92,000 staff on their experience of workplace culture and diversity in the UK.

Only 25% of lesbian, gay and bisexual respondents said they would feel comfortable disclosing their sexual orientation to their colleagues. Meanwhile, 35% of trans respondents revealed they had experienced negative comments or conduct at work because of their gender identity. 

Encouragingly, the survey also found that 83% of lesbian, gay and bisexual staff who participated would feel confident reporting any homophobic and biphobic behaviour to their employer. Responses also revealed that 91% of non-LGBT respondents said they understand why their employer is committed to LGBT equality.



Here are the LGBT-inclusive employers who made it into the top 10, alongside the National Assembly for Wales.

You can read more of Stonewall's findings and the full top 100 list here.

1. National Assembly for Wales

2. Pinsent Masons

3. Gentoo

4. Chesire Fire and Rescue Service

5. Lloyds Banking Group

6. Baker McKenzie

7. Berwin Leighton Paisner

8. Citi

9. Newcastle City Council

10. Victim Support