21 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Went To Edge Hill University

Jack Mallon
Online Writer

Did you go to Edge Hill?

You'll understand these things then.


1. Having to put up with the other unis in Liverpool thinking Edge Hill isn’t as good as them.

Whatever makes you feel better about yourselves, I guess.



2. But also being smug when you inform them Edge Hill won Uni of the Year not long ago.

3. Having to try and explain to people where Ormskirk actually is.

4. There is nothing funnier than seeing a rogue duck strolling around The Hub.


5. And nothing less funny than missing the Edge Link bus.


6. Because then you have to face Ormskirk’s torrential weather.

7. Having a whole canteen to choose from, but always opting for a cheeky meal deal or ‘Rollover’ hotdog.

8. Turning up to The Venue expecting a disappointing night, and ending up having one of the best.


9. Although Alpine will always be your fave.



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10. Being an Edge Hill student, but spending all of the three years living in Liverpool.

11. But also being jealous of people who could have a lie in, because they live on campus.

12. You thought the Edge Hill beach was just a joke at first.


13. Not being able to get your head around the self-scanning books in the library.



14. Getting to a free computer only to find someone is locked in it.

15. If you didn’t know who Radio 1’s Danny Howard was before uni, you do now.

16. Hating that all the clubs close really early.


17. Scoozi > Domino’s




18. There’s nothing worse than having one lecture in the main building, then your next one in the Creative Edge.

19. But at least campus is pretty.

20. Actually learning to love Ormskirk.


21. And knowing you’ll miss it when you leave.