17 things every second year university student has realised by now

Hollie Ingram
Online Writer

If you're a second year university student, there are a few things you'll have realised at this point in the academic year. 

Here are just a few of them...


1. That your first year was actually a breeze.



2. And that you completely, stupidly took it for granted.

3. How unprepared you were for the jump between first and second year.

4. And how horrifying it is to be reminded that everything you do now counts towards your degree.


5. That even though you’ve been at uni for over a year now, you still don’t know where everything is.



6. Nor have you got any better at things like referencing.

7. Or doing group presentations.

8. That you’re an even lower priority for your lecturers than you were in first year.


9. And that living in a proper student house rather than halls isn’t as easy as you thought it would be.



10. That you already can’t handle nights out as well as you could in first year.

11. And that Freshers’ Flu is very much something you still have to worry about even though you are no longer a Fresher.

12. Just how annoying first years are, especially on nights out.


13. And how soon people start forcing you to think about your dissertation.



14. How unlikely it is that you’ll ever make it out of your overdraft at this stage.

15. And that even though all your marks count now you’re still a long, long way from getting a first.

16. How worryingly fast the time seems to be flying.


17. And that if it continues like this you’ll be a final year before you know it.