This is the career you should choose, based on your Myer-Briggs personality type

Amy O'Neill

Stuck for career ideas? Let your personality type guide the way. 

The Myer-Briggs 16 Personalities Test is an inventory that describes a person's personality using four opposing personality functions: extraversion vs introversion, sensing vs intuition, thinking vs feeling and judging vs perceiving.

According to its creator, Katherine Briggs, in various combinations these four functions cover the personality type of every person. Once you know your personality type, you can find out all about your strengths, weaknesses, friendships, habits and the careers that suit you best. 

Before you read on, this article will be of zero use to you if you haven't actually done the test. So click here first to complete it, and then you find out the careers you'd suit based on your personality type. 

The Analysts 

1. Architect - INTJ-A/INTJ-T

Architects have a strong ability to transform complex principles into clear actionable strategies and any job that fails to utilise these skills is a useless one. They also do better when working independently, so are best steering clear of roles that deal with people, such as sales or HR. Above all, Architects are logical, efficient and analytical - all skills that are essential in finance, engineering or technology. 


2. Logician - INTP-A/INTP-T

The workplace is less about socialising or dealing with overactive managers, and more about getting the job done for Logicians. They're analytical yet innovative, and find it easy to think deeply about concepts others would find mind-boggling. These skills lend them towards careers as business analysts, corporate strategists, engineers or even technical writers. 


3.  Commander - ENTJ-A/ENTJ-T

Strong-willed, charismatic and self-confident, Commanders are well-suited to leadership roles (and would enjoy them too). Failure isn't an option for Commanders and this grit and determination is why they'd thrive in the military or as entrepreneurs, executives or politicians. This constant need for growth and results can prove to be a problem however, especially for young graduates who must work their way up before they reach the top. 


4. Debater - ENTP 

A versatile personality, Debaters will succeed in almost anything they put their mind to. Saying that, Debaters need a career that utilises their intellect, curiosity and never-ending flow of ideas - these skills make them successful lawyers, psychologists and scientists. Whatever they do, Debaters should avoid any career that leaves them bored or stuck in a routine. 


The Diplomats 

5. Advocate - INFJ-A/INFJ-T 

Pinning down one career that suits them can be hard for Advocates, who have minds that can visualise so many possibilities. Importantly, they need a career with meaning, which is why they make great counsellors, psychologists, teachers or social workers. They'd also do well in a role that allows them to communicate their thoughts and express themselves, such as writing.


6. Mediator - INFP-A/INFP-T

Mediators need a job that meets their practical needs but also feels like their calling - unfortunately, such careers are not always easy to find. They're strong communicators and instinctively want to help others, making them well-suited to careers in physical rehabilitation, counselling or teaching.  Creative roles in music, drama or art, where they can think and act freely, would also suit a Mediator. 


7. Protagonist - ENFJ-A/ENFJ-T

One of their greatest strengths is altruism, so any career where Protagonists can help other people suit them well. They'd enjoy a role that immerses them in community, such as in social or religious work or education. Despite their innate ability to help others they should avoid careers in governance, emergency services or law enforcement, which would leave a Protagonist burnt out and weighed down. 


8. Campaigner - ENFP-A/ENFP-T 

For Campaigners, there are too many options out there to choose from. They're perceptive, observant and communicative, all skills suited to a career in human science or service, diplomacy or detective work. Saying that, any career where they can use people skills and inspire others will please a Campaigner. 


The Sentinel 

9. Logistician - ISTJ-A/ISTJ-T 

The main focus of Logisticians is to build long-term, stable careers. Roles where they can be depended on, such as in the military, law or the police are popular among Logisticians. They're also logical and have a keen eye for detail, making them successful accountants, auditors and data analysts. Either way, a career that places facts above feelings is where Logisticians will thrive. 


10. Defender - ISFJ-A/ISFJ-T

Of all the personality types, Defenders are some of the most suited to a career servicing others. They make great HR managers, nurses or charity workers, all roles that utilise their altruistic, reliable and patient nature. And despite not always seeking to be in the limelight, Defenders make excellent managers too. 


11. Executive - ESTJ-A/ESTJ-T 

Loyal, organised and straight-forward, Executives do best in a career that offers clear structure and stability. They enjoy control so would succeed in managerial positions, but also have an instinctive desire for order, making them well-suited to careers in legal firms or law enforcement. Importantly, Executives should avoid any career that lacks structure, such as in creative industries, or they'll be left stressed and frazzled. 


12. Consul - ESFJ-A/ESFJ-T

Consuls don't shy away from monotony and routine in a career, so make successful administrators and accountants. They're emotional too though, and need a good balance of work and social interaction - careers in medical care, social work or teaching might appeal to them because of this. As long as they feel appreciated at work, Consuls will be happy. 


The Explorers 

13. Virtuoso - ISTP-A/ISTP-T 

Innate problem-solvers, Virtuosos want solutions to challenges and they want them now. This makes them successful mechanics, engineers, graphic designers and forensic scientists, all roles that are practical and hands-on. It's important that Virtuosos aren't left bored though - they thrive off adrenaline, so would enjoy careers as firefighters, paramedics, pilots or police officers too.


14. Adventurer - ISFP-A/ISFP-T

Forget money, power or job security, what Adventurer's look for most in a career is an outlet for their imagination. That's why they make natural artists, musicians, photographers and designers - roles that offer creative freedom and the chance to express their unique perspective on life. Whatever they do, a 9-5 office job is certainly not the route Adventurers should, or would want to, go down in their career. 


15. Entrepreneur - ESTP-A/ESTP-T 

Popular, affable and skilled at thinking on their feet, Entrepreneurs are excellent salespeople, business negotiators and marketers. Unlike others, Entrepreneurs have a natural ability to take risks and make tough decisions when required - this skill should be utilised in their careers. What they don't do well in is restricted, highly structured working environments, so it's best to avoid them.  


16. Entertainer - ESFP-A/ESFP-T

More so than any other personality type, Entertainers can notice the mood in the room and match it. This skill makes them suited to careers as event planners, life coaches, sales representatives or tour guides - any customer-facing role that allows them to boost the mood and get people excited. What they hate is jobs with no social interaction, repetition and rigid structures. 


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