Tips for negotiating a salary

Ernesto Jimenez
Marketing Intern
Careers advice: {$article->title}

Negotiating a salary (even your first salary) can be stressful. Every year the job market gets more competitive and discussing your salary can be a bit stress-inducing. Here are some tips and considerations to have before you bring up the conversation with your employer:

Know what you are worth

Evaluate your classifications, what you bring to the table and how you distinguish yourself from your competition. 

Analyse the average industry salaries with your experience in mind

If this is your first job then the average graduate salary for your industry will be extremely relevant as they tend to be pretty standard. If you are looking for an increase, then measure how you have performed and trace your career along with the average salaries by yearly experience. Check out this article on to see graduate salaries by industry.  


Ideally have a specific number

Having a range will end up with you settling for the bottom interval. Not bad but not ideal. Have a specific number in mind so that way you don’t end up at the mercy of your far more experienced hiring manager. Maybe even ask for a bit more than your set number. 

Have the right timing

Timing is everything. They say asking on Thursdays is great and asking on Mondays should be avoided. Not necessarily true. If this is your first employment the conversation will naturally flow. If you are already established, then evaluate the current situation of the company. 

Right amount of confidence

When the time comes, exhibit confidence up to the point in which it shows you are determined and the figure given is justified as you have closely assessed your worth. But be careful, don’t push it, you don’t want to project an image of entitlement. 

Your future should take precedence, not your past achievements

Your past merits have led you to that conversation, but your future goals and your growing strategy will dictate if you are worth the money. Companies invest in the future, not the past. 

Don’t fear the “No”

It was always a possibility, so try to be understanding. Counter if you feel you have something you can use as leverage but be careful not to push it to a place where you are giving unreasonable requests or reasoning.  

No matter the outcome, maintain a position that you are committed to your own personal growth and that of your employer

If you got what you wanted, be grateful and let them know your best performance is yet to come. If you are unsatisfied, remain grateful for the consideration, secure your employment/position, and let them know you are committed to improve your performance.